Saturday 30 June 2012


Here's a drawing of Mabel & Dijon. It perfectly captures the relationship between them and the way they position themselves - Dijon stretched out, Mabel huddled. Not bad at all, for a 6 year old.

Friday 29 June 2012


6:00 p.m... we noticed Mabel wasn't her usual self. She was throwing herself around, writing and looking very uncomfortable. Unusually, she allowed us to stroke her without protest (normally, stokes are very much on her terms), and she overtly did a wee outside of her cage.

So there was a last minute call to the vet, which thankfully closes at 7:00 p.m, and there was one appointment left. Off we set... We suspected it was gas (from what we can only guess), a diagnosis the vet agreed with as he could feel no blockage in her gut.

A very reasonable consultation fee plus the cost of Metacam later, and we have a happy Mabel again. She is springy and bouncy, and just as calculating as ever. She's not interested in hard treats at the moment, but was keen to eat a sprig of parsley and a small grape.

Monday 18 June 2012

Happy Birthday, Mabel

Well it, it may have been Father's Day, but far more important than that, it was Mabel's first birthday. She had a delightful birthday tea that both bunnies enjoyed. Happy Birthday Mabel!

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Happy Birthday, Dijon

Dijon is one year old today. Here he is taking delivery of his special birthday tea (what you don't see is that Mabel stole the carrot shaped into a '1'):